I’ll take bloggers for $1000 Alex…

“I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at 9:00 every morning.”   ~~Peter DeVries

I’ve read this quote every morning for years because it’s been hanging on my bedroom wall every morning for years.  But I never let it fully sink in.  I never really lived it.

I think I’ve secretly–subconsciously–been waiting for some sort of cosmic energy to come and whoosh through me, the planets to align, a sacred calling to summon me or an undeniable sign from above.

I’ve been waiting for the perfect, right, best most beautiful moment to write the perfect, right, best most beautiful words.  And that rarely (and I mean very rarely) happens.

But now everything has changed.

It’s changed because I found my cosmic energy, planets aligning, sacred calling, sign from above answer in one simple statement spoken by author, blogger Seth Godin when he said,

“Do I have a blog post coming out tomorrow?  Yes I do.  I pressed the buzzer on that 10 years ago.”

Seth Godin observed that those who win at life–like those who win at the game of Jeopardy–are they who press the buzzer first.

He explains,

“Press the buzzer before you’re sure you know the answer.  As your brain is thinking, maybe I can… you press the buzzer.  And in that last moment you’re going to come up with something.”

I now know that each day I am going to press the buzzer.  The decision has been made.  Then, while looking my inner Alex Trebek right in the eye, I write.

And somehow, someway…

I always come up with something.