Something made me mad this morning. I mean I was feeling all the feels of ticked offness. And I wanted HEADS. TO. ROLL.
So I referred to one of my favorite scriptures that says:
Therefore they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the Lord…
Only I hushed my ticked offness and cried unto the Lord, telling Him that I was feeling very upset and that I either needed help knocking some heads off or softening my heart.
You know, one or the other.
So He lead me to this Maya Angelou quote which instantly softened my heart (because the knocking people’s heads off probably wasn’t going to happen)…
Reading this quote reminded me of all the beauty a new day holds. And while it originally filled me with the desire to run outside and spin around my yard Sound of Music style, the snow on the ground turned my attention to the fun indoor joys of this bright new day.
Like making my bed in the pretty new way I discovered on Saturday,
fulfilling my goal of folding and putting away the 42 hundred (maybe 5-ish) loads of laundry that currently reside in my bedroom,
organizing the few things that have not yet gotten back to their spots since Christmas,
finding the perfect place for this cute vintage suitcase (I’m quite giddy over the possibilities),
and reindeer slippers. Always reindeer slippers,
a crackling fire, a clean kitchen and
meeting together at the end of the day with family and friends for dinner and family night tonight.
I guess heads will have to roll some other time. Because I’ve been blessed with a bright new beautiful day.
And we’ve got plans.