Two years ago I posted these words on Facebook,
“It’s late and it’s cold.” I told Waylon as we settled in after a long day of activities. “Why don’t you just shoot extra baskets tomorrow?”
But a goal’s a goal. And Waylon has set one to make at least 100 baskets a day. And neither dark, nor cold, nor hour of night could keep him from it.
In the course of the two years since I wrote that post, Waylon has remained as driven as ever.
So when I listened to Tony Robbins this morning and heard him explain that to achieve optimal success in any given goal one must,
“Obsess about what you want. Focus on it continuously. Have so much emotion about it that you’ll take massive action. Keep changing your approach. Model someone great. Then–after you take the first steps–rely on some grace.”
I thought of Waylon as I check, check, checked each of these items off of his path to achievement. He loves the game of basketball and he is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that it remains a part of his life.
I also wrote in that Facebook post,
Can I please be just like him someday? Pretty, pretty please.
Though I cannot say that I’m just like Waylon–it’s been some time since I’ve walked with that obsessed, focused, fire of emotion–there has been a change in my life that is driving me with a quiet yet firm determination to move in the direction of my goals.
And who knows, maybe if I keep it up I’ll meet with the same success as my incredibly driven boy.
But seriously. Can I please be just like him someday?
(Waylon’s first game as part of his 7th grade team)