Some juicy information


To the elderly gentleman I met in the grocery store a little over a year ago–

You didn’t know, when you stopped to talk to me in the produce section, that watermelon is my favorite food group and that–were it but in season year round–it would be the main staple for my existence.

You didn’t know that–in years past–cutting open a carefully chosen watermelon would fill me with trepidation akin to that of opening an envelope of freshly developed, pre-digital prints.


You only knew that you had wisdom to share and the courage to share it.

Since that day I have followed your every instruction, paying special attention to the melon’s weight. “A very heavy melon has a lot of juice.” You told me.  So I search for the heaviest I can lift, hoisting it into my cart with gleeful anticipation.

And since that day every (and I do mean every) watermelon I bring home is glorious!

You didn’t know–when you stopped to talk to me in the produce section–the joy your gift would bring to my life.

You only knew that you had wisdom to share,

And I thank you for sharing it with me.
